Last Halloween I was battling a cold and didn't finish my mask on time, at least, not to a degree I was pleased with. I painted over it again to somewhat smooth over the texture of the plaster bandages and added some more spikes with air-drying fimo clay. Then another layer of gesso, pthalo green paint over, and finished it off with a layer of spray-on lacquer. The 'tattoos' were a final touch in permanent marker.
Then, with a lot of string, and two feather boas, I had to carefully sew on the ruff. It may still need a bit of padding on the back of the head to sit properly, but I think that can be taken care of by tying up my hair. I just need to find an alternative for the tail. I made a latex version which turned out a bit too hard, and the paint came off, which is sub-optimal... Gotta see when I can continue...