Saturday, 7 May 2016


There are no doubt a couple of details I missed, but the mural is more or less done. You -and your kids- can experience it with the ball bath on Sunday, May 8th at the grand opening of the Kindercafe Fräulein Knopfauge in Oldenburgerstrasse 40, Berlin.
There is also a crowdfunding page to support the initial setup here at: -only one more day to go!
Any help you could offer would be totally appreciated - the goal has almost been reached!

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Another Session

Filled in a lot of detail today, plus polished some parts with which I
wasn't happy. It's starting to come together, but I'd like one more full
day to work on it if I'm to be done by Sunday. (That was a hint!)

Wooden bird

A quick side project I've been working on while the kids have their
afternoon nap -wooden cutouts of local birds detailed with a wood
burning tool. I wish I had a scroll saw. And somewhere I can get dusty...

Monday, 2 May 2016


Got in a couple more hours of painting tonight. There's a lot to go...

Sunday, 1 May 2016

New Mystery Project...

More information soon!